Change icons

Yara Ahmed

Last Update 4 tahun yang lalu

Icons enhance the aesthetic of your website, as well as your content, and selecting/changing them is super quick and easy. 

MyPress puts at your disposal hundreds of unique icons in various styles.

Log in and start the editor

If you’re not already logged in, log in to your site here and go to your site front. In the admin bar at the top, click on the Editor button.

Now any icon on the page is editable.

Select your icon

Click on the icon you want to change, and an icon selector will pop up.

You can browse the icons until you find something suitable, or you can enter a keyword in the search bar at the top right. 

Once you click on the icon, it will be replaced instantly.

Save or discard your changes

When you’re done editing, click Done then Publish, and your changes will be saved.

If you want to revert to the previous icon without saving any changes you've made, simply choose Discard instead of Publish.

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